The article dwells on the exploration of one of the lists of tazkire by Abdulmutalibkhoja Fahmi consisting of 80 pages and created in the second half of the XIX-th century. Informing about two available lists the author of the article analyzes that one which is kept in TR AS manuscript department and correlating it with other tazkires of the same period she elicits its brightest peculiarities. Proceeding from the analysis the author comes to the conclusion that in Fahmi’s tazkire there is the information non-observed in other anthologies of the period in question; the facts of its materials being used by Sadriddin Aini can be served as a proof. The inference runs that under analysis and correlation of the two lists one can put a fullstop in regard to many controversial issues.
tazkire, manuscript, original, Abdulmutalib Khoja Fahmi, Kori Rahmatulloh Vozekh, ”Namunai Adabiyoti Tojik” (Tajik Literature Paragons) by Sadriddin Aini, Rasul Khodizoda
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3. Vozeh, Kori Rahmatulloh. “Tuhfatu-l-Ahbob fi Tazkira-ti-l-Ashob”. – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1977.
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6. Fahmi’s Tazkiras. The Copy of Manuscript №952 Kept by Manuscript Department under the Auspices of TR Academy of Sciences.
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