Notwithstanding the existence of divers variants of Persian gazel periodization suggested by such renowned literary critics as Sirus Shamiso, Shafei Kadhani, Mukhammad Khukuki, Mukhammad Djafar Yokhaki and others, in Iran of the XX-th century its unified complete periodization is absent up to now. It is marked that in the process of periodization literary critics take into consideration the following factors: 1) social-political and economic ones; 2) formal content genre evolution; 3) personal literary taste and preferences.
Having analyzed the advantages and drawbacks of the periodization worked out by Shamiso, Kadkani, Khukuki, Yokhaki the author singles out the next periods of gazel evolution in the century considered: 1. The epoch of mashruta (revolution) up to Riza-shakh’s accession to power; 2. Riza-shakh’s epoch (up to 1979): a) traditional gazel; b) new gazel; 3. the epoch of Islamic revolution. Brief characteristics of every epoch are provided.
history of Iran literature, modern Persian poetry, literary genres, gazel, new verse, periodization of Persian gazel in the XX-th century
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4. Youkkhaki M. As a Thirsty Jug. – Tehran, 1375 hijra. – 374 pp.
5. Kadkani M. Periodization of Persian Poetry since the Epoch of Mashruta up to Shakh;s Governance Fall. – Tehran, 1383 hijra. – 175 pp.
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7. Collection of Seminar Researches of Islamic Revolution Literature. – Tehran: Samt, 1373 hijra. – 658 pp.
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11. Khukuki M. Viewpoint on the History of Modern Iranian Literature. – Tehran: Katra, 1372 hijra. – 620 pp.
12. Shamiso S . Gazel evolution in Persian Poetry. – Tehran: Firdaws, 1376 hijra. 320 pp.
13. Shamiso S. Stylistics of the Poet. – Tehran: Firdaws,1374 hijra. – 431 pp.
14. Shikebo P. Persian Poets since very inception up nowadays. – Tehran: Khirmand, 1373 hijra. - 463 pp.