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Long-Expected Edition. Review to Sayfuddin Isfaranghi`s Book “Selected Works”


Sameev Abdumavlon


The article presents a review of “Selected Productions” belonging to Sayfuddin Isfaranghi, the poet who lived in the second half of the XII-th and the beginning of the XIII-th centuries and is carried out on the basis of the critical text which was prepared by Pakistani literary critic Zubayda Siddiqi. It is underscored that beforehand Tajik admirers of poetry were deprived of any opportunity to familiarize themselves with complete volume of the creation of one of the outstanding poets of Persian-Tajik literature, information concerned with the material is adduced in all anthologies and literary sources. Alongside with the theoretical and scientific achievements, designing on the premise of concrete examples, the reviewer analyzes drawbacks and omissions of compilers which sneaked into the collection under review.


history of Persian-Tajik literature referring to the XII-th – the XIII-th centuries, Sayfuddin Isfaranhgi`s creation, literary criticism, textology


1.    Sayfuddini Isfaranghi. Selected Works. Preparation, introduction, glossary and commentaries by Subhoni A`zamzod. – Khujand: Khuroson, 2017. – 710 pр.

2.    Divan by Sayfuddini Isfaranghi. Under the editorship of Zubaydai Siddiqi. – Multon, 1354. – 754 рp.

3.    Sayfi Isfaranghi. Selected Poems. Compilation and introduction: Lola Sulaymonova. – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1978. – 128 рp.

4.    Dictionary of the Tajik Language. In two volumes. - М.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. – V.1: 952 pp.; V.2: 950 pp.

5.    Muin, Muhammad. Persian Dictionary. In six volumes/ M. Muhammad. – Tehran: Great Amir. 1342hijra.

6.    Great Arabic-Russian and Russian-Arabic Dictionary. – M., 2011. – 957 pр.

7.     Interpretation Dictionary of the Tajik Language. Dushanbe: Freedom of the Orient, 2008, volume 1. -949 рp.; volume 2. -944 рp.

8.    Nasriddinov, A. Collection of Compositions. In seven volumes/ A.Nasriddinov – Khujand., 2013.

9.    Sirusi, Shamiso. Talmehot Dictionary. – Tehran, 1371hijra. – 654 рp.

10. Dekhuda, A. Lugatnoma (dictionary). / A. Dekhuda. -Tehran, 1387 hijra. -Part 49, P. 119.

Publication date

Thursday, 22 February 2018