The issues of ethnocultural relations are key ones in ethnographic exploration. Ethnical interaction is canvassed as a sequence of migrations being a result of conquestial wars in defferent periods of peoples` history. The author of the article researched the issues of interaction between Sughdians and Tiurcs in the epoch of Early Middle Ages. It was the epoch of Kaganate elevation of Tiurcs. The author underscores that advent of Tiurcs, their joint habitation with Sughdians entailed in intensification of ethnical processes and mutual cultural influence. Those historical processes, i.e. ethnocultural relations functioned naturally, without bringing harm to either sides. The historic atmosphere of Early Middle Ages promoted a development of ethnical processes. Ethnocultural mutural relations between Sughdians and Tiurcs were of great importance for the fates of the peoples of Centeral Asia as they were based on common interests; the latters being a sequence of political, social-economic and ethnocultural processes promoted further evolution of Central Asia peoples having put an end to stagnant Ephtalitian times, strengthened the struggle against Arabian conquerors; in material and spiritual life there appeared new elements of cultural progress.
Sugdinas, Turks, Ephtalies, Turkic Kaganate, Sughd, ethnocultural process, interaction between cultures, material and spiritual culture
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