The article dwells on the grounds of the rise and historic periods of functioning in reference to the poems of resistance. Their elements and signs are commented and explained in the poems belonging to the founder of modern Tajik literature Sadriddin Aini. Referring to the samples of Aini’s poems the author stated that the former had been one of the first representatives of Modern Tajik literature who during the revolution and political coup d’etat spoke out bravely for the defence of cultural and spiritual values of their people. Proceeding from this assumption, the author reveals the theme of resistance in the poet’s works taking them as examples. He keeps to the opinion that having written revolutionary verses conveying hate for violence in the prerevolutionary state S.Aini managed to lay as one of the foundations of Modern Tajik literature poems on the theme of resistance, thus he carried out his mission as a founder of the literature of Tajikistan in the new historic epoch.
Sadriddin Aini, poet’s works, poems of resistance, political coup d’etat, defence of spiritual values, hate for violence, modern Tajik literature
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