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Choice of Word and Ways of Word-Building in the Works by Mukhammad Ikbol Lohuri


Sulaymon Anvari


Though Mukhammad Ikbol's mother tongue was Urdu he chose the language of Rumi and Hafiz - that of Persian-Tajik for transposition of his thoughts and ideas. Ikbol not only used Tajik-Persian for reproduction of his profound philosophical meditations, but he made a weighty contribution into the development of his language either, especially in word-building. The notions "word" (sukhan) and "speech" (zabon) occupy a special place in Ikbol's poetic language. It is underscored that the poet actively uses the word-building potential of the units in question for a creation of new compound words. The author adduces and classifies rich factological material from the poet's creation testifying to his mastership in coining metaphorical word-combinations with the lexemes "sukhan" and "zabon". The author analyzes the role of the pointed words in a creation of unusually fine similes.


thecreationofMukhammadIkbolLohuri, Tajik-Persianlanguage, word-building, poeticspeech, compoundword


1.                  Mukhammad Ikbol. Persian Compositions. Ikbol's Society under TR Academy of Sciences. Compilers: Sharafniso Pulodova, Ali Mukhammadi, Djobulko Dodalishokh, Azim Bayzoyev, Muzaffari Mukhammadi. Ikbol Academy of Pakistan. - 590 pp.; Mukhammad Ikboli Lohuri. Persian Compositions. Preparation by Ali Mukhammadi Khurosoni and Sharafniso Pulodova. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 2013. - 672 pp.

2.                  Mukhammad Ikbol. The Message of the Orient. Compiler: Abdullojohn Gafforv. - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 1987. - 320 pp.

3.                  The Dictionary of Metaphors. Compilation by Muhsin Sabo. Tehran: "Farhang" publishing-house, 1366 hijra. - 688 pp.

4.                  Big Interpretation Dictionary. In 8 volumes. V.4. Compiler: Hasan Anvari. - Tehran: Word, 1381 hijra. - 7592 pp.

5.                  The Dictionary of the Tajik Language (in 2 volumes). - Moscow: The Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. - 1904 pp.

6.                  Anvari Sulaymon. Artistic Evaluation, pp. // Sulaymon Anvari. - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2017. - 156 pp.

7.                  Anvari Sulaimon, Tabarov Khayrulloh // Khodju Khuseyn and Value of Word // Sulaymoni Anvari, Khayruloh Tabarov. - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2013. - 128 pp.

8.                  Sabzayev Saidkul. The Art of Nosir Khusrav's Eloquence // Saidkul Sabzayev. - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2003. - 45 pp.

9.                  About Literature and  Literary Criticism. V.2. // Nigorishi Khusravi Farshedvard. - Tehran: The Great Emir", 163 hijra. - 985 pp.

10.               Grammar of Modern Tajik Literary Language // V.1. Phonetics and Morphology. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1985. - 356 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 14 November 2019