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Peculiarities of Usage of the Stylistic Device of Simile in Belles Lettres Texts


Sayfitdinova Munira Rahmatovna


The given article dwells on structural and semantic peculiarities of simile based on belles lettres novels of “Tugral” by Tajik writer Sorbon and “Martin Eden” by American writer Jack London. It is pointed that the stylistic device of simile is one of the main ways of expressing figurativeness. Allomorphic and isomorphic features of simile functioning are established and revealed. The author suggests the classification of structural types of simile that defines the semantic ones, like explicit and implicit.

It is proved that structural types of simile , suggested by author, coincided in researched languages and only some partial differences are observed. In the Tajik language the stylistic device is expressed by more comparative conjunctions than in English.

It is concluded that similes are conveyed not only by a comparative expression but by adverbial clauses of comparison either.


Sorbon’s novel “Tugral”, Jack London’s novel “Martin Eden”, stylistic device of simile, classification of similes, structural types, explicit, implicit


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London J. Martin Eden.–Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953. – 432 p. 

Publication date

Wednesday, 24 April 2019