The article dwells on social motives in the creation of outstanding masters of verse of the XIX-th century in Kokand literary circle. It is underscored that because of class approach which reigned in the literary criticism of the Soviet period many poets of no high talents were extolled to the sky of the first degree versificators, though their gift was really mediocre or even quite scanty.
The bright example of the given thesis can be illustrated by the creation of Muhammadsharif Gulhani whom Soviet Tajik critics considered as an apex of national poetry evolution. At the same time the social motives of very gifted poets, such as Gazi, Ado and others, were ignored. Special attention was paid to the motives of protest against humiliation of the people on the part of the ruling layer, inequality of men, clergy`s hypocrisy. It is noted that there formed new literary viewpoints and special aesthetic principles which, regretfully, haven`t been an object of separate research up to nowadays.
Kokand literary circle of the XIX-th century, social poetry, criticism of verse, Gulhani, Madan Pongozi, Ado, Khozik Hiravi
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