Word meaning interpretation is one of lexicography specificities and it is due to the latter that a dictionary unit is specified in phonetical, lexical, morphological, grammatical and artistic peculiarities. However, sometimes lexical units besides lexical meaning acquire also a branch aspect, examples can be seen through words and terms from the field of law. In this case special lexical units are interpreted from the juridical point of view; separate ones of them being analyzed in the present work. Precise interpretation of meaning and content of term is very important from juridical point of view, but in linguistic interpretation there prevails universal approach. That`s why linguistic and jurislinguistic interpretation (e.g., the words “good” and “evil” determines essential differences in their lexical and branch meanings). The author of the article analyzes such similarities and differences between two types of interpretation.
word meaning, dictionary unit interpretation, terminology of law, term content, word meaning interpretation, types of interpretation
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