In this article the author gives the data about archaeological excavations conducted by scientific officers of the State Managerial Office of the National Museum of Tajikistan in 2014 and Garavkala monument, the coins found in this monument being presented as well. The article is based on the description of coins found during the expedition on Gharavkala monument. The article classifies coins by chronology and provides a complete description of a verse and reverse of the coins. In this article the author also talks about the first excavations done on this monument. The article begins with an overview of the organization of the expedition and the contribution of the national museum into the collection, presentation and preservation of ancient artifacts, followed by a brief overview of Garavkala monument. Drawing up a table of coins and comparing them with other coins is one of the main tasks of the article. The author also tries to provide information about the duties of different religions that existed during the reign of the Kushans. In conclusion, the author formulates inferences concerning trade and money circulation in the city of Garavkala.
archeological excavations, expedition, National Museum of Tajikistan,Gharavkala monument, the period of Kushanian` ruling,monetary circulation, found coins, deity of Kushanians` time
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