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Zoirov H.Z.


The collection of letters in three volumes belonging to Aynulkuzot Hamadani prepared for publication due to the efforts undertaken by Alinaki Munzavi and Afif Usayron contains 159 patterns, here refer 157 letters written in the Tajik language and two letters in Arabic. In 81 messages Aynulkuzat adduces 221 beyts in Tajik and 10 misras (lines) of Arabian verses in order to confirm and intensify his own words and considerations. In 76 letters written in Tajik and two letters in Arabic no versified citations in Arabic are presented. Proceeding from authentic originals and divans of the poet`s poems, the author of the article makes an endeavor to determine genuine creations and authentic variants of some versified citations in Arabic. Designing on the premise of thorough analysis, comparison and correlation, it is underscored that Aynulkuzot`s letters are not only matchless paragons of Sufi prose of the XII-th century, but they can also serve as authentic sources either when preparing, editing and correcting scientifico-critical editions of divans` created by Arabic-speaking men-of-letters. The author to the article adduced certain proved specifications to some of considerations of the author of the canvassed work dwelling on the life and creation of Aynulkuzot and Rahim Farmanish.


Aynulkuzat Hamadani, letters, Arabian poems, Alinaki Munzavi, Afif Usayron, translation, recension, comparison and correlation


1.        Bukhturi. Divan al-Bukhturi / Research, commentaries and note by Hasan Komil Sirafi. - Caira: Enlightenment Centre Misr. – 1964. – 3173 pp.

2.                  Voiz, Said. Arabian Beyts in Aynulkuzat Hamadani`s Letters // Quarterly Edition of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities (Khorezmi University). №№42 - 43. – Tehran, 1382 hijra. - pp. 51 – 73.

3.        Voiz, Said. Arabian Beyts in Aynulkuzat Hamadani`s Letters // Quarterly Edition “Literary Textology”. Journal on Language and Foreign Languages Attached to the University Named after Alloma Tabotabon (scientific degree title). - Tehran, 1383 hijra. - №21. - pp. 1-27.

4.        Voiz, Said. Arabian Beyts in Aynulkuzat Hamadani`s Letters (the second chapter, part one) //“Payiki Nur”. Quarterly Edition (Torch – Bearer of Light) under the auspices of the University “Payomi Nur” (Message of Light). - Tehran, 1383 hijra, №3. - pp. 52 – 60.

5.        Voiz, Said. Arabian Beyts in Aynulkuzat Hamadani`s letters (the second chapter, part two) // Literary Textology. The Journal of Persian Language and Literature under the Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages alloma Tabotaboi University. - Tehran, 1385 hijra. – №27. – pp. 33 - 46.

6.        Dehhudo, Aliakbar. Dictionary / Under the editorship of Muhammad Muin. - Tehran: Publishing-House of Tehran University, - 1329 hijra. -V.24. - 206 pp.

7.        Dehhudo, Aliakbar. Dictionary / Under the editorship of Muhammad Muin. - Tehran:  Sirus, 1339 hijra. -V.38, -565pp.

8.        Dehhudo, Aliakbar. Dehhudo`s Middle Dictionary. In two volumes / Under the editorship of Dr. Said Jafar Shahidi. Preparation: Gulomrizo Situda, Iraj Mehraki and Akram Sultoni. - Tehran: Publishing House of Tehran University, 1385. – V.1. -pp. 1-1615; - V.2. -pp. 1616 - 3224.

9.        The Holy Koran. The Text of the original and translation of senses into Tajik by Muhammadjohn Umarov. - Dushanbe: Er-Graf, 2011. - 640 pp.

10.    “Majnun and Leili”. Divan / Collection, Research and Commentaries by Abdusattor Ahmad Firoj. - Egypt (without the year of edition). - 268 pp.

11.    Sohib ibn Abbod, Divan / Research by Sheikh Muhammadhasan oli Yesin. The 2nd edition. - Beirut, 1394. - 338 pp.

12.    Farmanish, Rahim. The Life and Creation of Aynulkuzot. - Tehran: Asotir, (Collection of Folklore Patterns)1392. - 385 pp.

13.    Hamadoni, Aynulkuzot. Letters. - V. 1 / Under the editorship of Dr. Alinaki Munzavi and Dr. Afif Usayron. –Tehran: Asotir, 1377.- 480 pp.

14.    Hamadoni, Aynulkuzot. Letters. - V. 2 / Under the editorship of Dr. Alinaki Munzavi and Dr. Afif Usayron. - –Tehran: Asotir, 1377.- 488 pp.

15. Hamadoni, Aynulkuzot. Letters. - V. 3 / Under the editorship of Dr. Alinaki Munzavi and Dr. Afif Usayron. –Tehran: Asotir, 1377.-444 pp.

Publication date

Monday, 15 November 2021