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Olimjonov M.O.


The article dwells on a degree of using the composites pertaining to tatpurusha type in Bedil’s poetry. Having studied the respective material consisting of the composites contained in Bedil’s poetry the author divided them into two groups: 1) extended composites; 2) archaic composites. He has formulated a thesis running to the effect that some components of composites become archaic in the process of Tajik language evolution. Archaic composites are divided into three groups according to an archaic aspect a word component possesses: 1) composites whose first component is of archaic character; 2) composites whose second component is of archaic character; 3) composites whose both components are archaic. Upon the whole, the author substantiates the opinion that archaic composites in Bedil’s poetry are occurred scantily and many of them are traced back to the creation of the poet himself as they aren’t found in interpretation dictionaries.


Mirzo Bedil’s Poetry; composites of tatpurusha type, lexical composition, extended composites, archaic composites, components of composites


1.        Bahor, M. Stylistics or History of Persian Prose Evolution. – VV. 1 – 3 /M.Bahor. – Tehran: The Great Emir, 1373 hijra. V.1. -467 pp.; V.2. -432 pp.; V.3. -448 pp.

2.      Bakhor M. Contracted by S. Mirobidini. Transposition by Sh. Isrofilniya and N. Sarkorov / M. Bakhor. – Dushanbe: Bukhara, 2012. – 570 pp.

3.        Bedyl, Dehlavi. Compositions. In 4 volumes. Under the editorship of Kholmukhammad Khast and Khalilullokh Halilo // Dehlavi Bedyl, - Tehran: Vanguard, 1389 hijra. V. 1. Book 1. Gazels. - 798 pp. p 1 (Book 2) 1600 - v.2 Tarkibbands, Tarjebands, Kasoits, Kytoots; Rubais. - 650 pp; V 3 – Masnavies, 812 pp.; V.4. Four Elements. Rukaots; Nikots; - 582 pp.

4.      Dehhudo, Aliakbar - Dehhudo's Middle Dictionary. In two volumes. Under the Editorship of Dr. Saidjafar Shakhidi / Aliakbar Dehhudo. - Tehran; Printing-publicational outfit under Tehran University, 1385 hijra. vv. 1-2. - 3224 pp.

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7.        Maoni A. G. Soib's Dictionary of Poetry. In two volumes /A. G. Maoni. - Tehran: Cultural Exploration Centre. 1365 hijra. VV. 1-2. - 818 pp.

8.        Madjidov Kh. Modern Tajik Literary Language. P. I. Lexicography. / Kh. Madjidov: Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2007. – 255 pp.

9.        Muin, Mukhammad. Persian Dictionary in 6 Volumes. / M. Muin. - Tehran: The Great Emir, 1375 hijra. V.V. 1-4. - 5277 pp. V.V. 5-6. - 2351 pp.

10.    Tajik Language Dictionary. (Since the X-th up to the Beginning of the XX-th Centuries). In two volumes. Under the editorship of M. M. Shukuruv, V.A. Kapranov, R. Koshim, N.A. Masumi. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. V.1. - 951 pp. : V.2 - 949 pp.

Publication date

Friday, 16 April 2021