The article examines the state of provision of universities in Sughd region with professors and pedagogical staff in 1991-2011. The author considers issues of increasing the number of full-time terchers and also the pedagogues of part-time with the aim of earning additional wages. Provides statistical data on the human resources of universities. It is stated that the teaching staff is a key element of the system of higher professional education.The quality of scientific researcher and training of specialists depends on the activities of the teaching staff. The measures taken in the formation of teaching staff and issues related to the attractiveness of work at a university are considered. The factors that influenced the changes in the social status of university teachers in the period under study are revealed.
pedagogical staff consisting of Drs. of sciences and rank-and file professors, Sughd Viloyat higher schools, cadres potential, scientifico-pedagogical intellectuals, young teacher
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