The article dwells on the beginning of Shinasbenids` dynasty governance in Gur region and political relations of this estate with the Arabic khalifate, states of Saffarides and Somonids. Designing on the premise of mediaeval origins and researches of contemporary historians, the author made an endeavor to elucidate one of scantily studied issues of Home history. It is indicated that this dynasty`s accession to power was connected with the founder of the dynasty Shinasb ibn Hurnak as further on his successes continued to rule and participate in the creation of this state up to its downfall. It is marked that since the middle of the VII-th and up to the beginning of the X-th centuries Shinasbenids survived an important, but at the same time difficult period. In the course of the studies of the sources it was ascertained that except Samanides other conquerors didn`t manage to completely subordinate the estate in question.
Shinasb ibn Hurnak, Shinasbenids, historic origins, confrontation, military-political rivalry, the events of the VII -th – X -th cc., the history of Khorasan
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