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Mamadnazarov A.


In this article the author examines the ways of semanticizing of the dictionary article in modern explanatory dictionaries of the Tajik language, including: "Farhangi zaboni tojiki”(1969), Farhangi tafsirii zaboni tojiki” (2010) and “Farhangi mukammali zaboni tojiki” (2011). As a result of the comparative analysis of these dictionaries, the most important devices of describing a dictionary article and lexicographic lables for clarifying grammatical, lexical and stylistic features of capital letters areidentified in Tajik explanatory dictionaries. The author emphasizes that the most important methods of semanticization used in these dictionaries are interpretation and description. There are also other methods and ways of semanticization, including: by dint of synonyms or a group of synonyms, broad linguistic description, philological and encyclopedic description, simple description, references to other dictionary articles, and mixed interpretation as well.

These methods and devices of semanticization are clarified with the help of illustrative examples adduced from the dictionaries under study. The author emphasizes that further comprehensive study of micro- and macrostructures of these dictionaries is one of the important tasks of modern Tajik lexicography.


lexicography, semantization, dictionary article, grammatical and stylistic marks, interpretation, description


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Publication date

Monday, 15 November 2021