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Rahimov Nabijon Turdialievich Homidzoda Furqat Muqimovich Boniyozov Ilhom Khudoidodovich



The history of the construction of korez in the mountainous regions of Ustrushan is considered, using the example of the korez system in the intermountain pass of Basmandasay in the Devashtich region. In Ustrushana, unique forms of ancient irrigation system were built, which were specific for mountainous regions and designed to use the water of rivers flowing in the deep of canyons. The need for artificial irrigation led the population of Ustrushana to discoverand use the specific korez system of irrigation, which was adapted for local conditions. The piedmont plain on which the village of Basmanda is located was devoid of a water source. It was this factor that forced the inhabitants of the village in ancient times to look for ways to irrigate the surrounding fields. The study of the korez system shows that the builders knew the topography well. The article also reflects the current state of the korez structure of Basmanda. According to the authors, the Basmanda korez deserves attention as an original hydro-technical structure in the history of irrigation in Ustrushana and all Central Asia.



Key words: irrigation, korez, irrigation facility, underground galleries, Basmanda, canal


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Publication date

Thursday, 08 December 2022