The article dwells on the basis of ethnographic materials, analysis of scientific literature, some aspects of the organization and holding of the Flower Festival in different regions of Northern Tajikistan at the beginning of the 20th century. First of all, the essence of the “boychechakhani” flower ceremony was revealed, which was performed by children and teenagers before the Novruz holiday. The following is information about the holding of the festival of tulips "Sayri guli lola" by the inhabitants of Isfara, the Red Flower Festival in other Tajik settlements, the organization of festive events dedicated to water and flowers - Sayri Shaikhon in the village of Ovchikalacha, Babajon Gafurov district, etc. It is noted that in honor of the flower festival, folk festivals were organized. It is emphasized that such folk holidays were held as a worship of the awakening of nature and were primarily of a local (local, limited) nature.
spring, flowers, snowdrop, walking with flowers, festival of flowers, festival of tulips, rituals of flowers’ worship
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