The article studies the word-formation features of the poems of the original representative of the Indian poetic style Mirzo Abdulkadir Bedil. The study of the poet's works proves that he repeatedly uses a number of lexical units, including: mirror (oina), callus (obila), fire (otash), head (sar), surprise (khayrat), madness (junun), etc. Often using these lexical elements, Mirzo Bedil simultaneously forms many compound words and composites with them. An attempt was made to show the place of the lexeme "fire" (otash) in the formation of composites like tatpurush. It is proved that the word “fire” (otash), depending on the construction of composites, has acquired more than ten meanings, in addition, it has been established that many composites were produced according to the model [noun + stem of the present tense of the verb].
Bedil, poetry, word-formation, composites, tatpurush, fire (otash), meanings, reference cell, model
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