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Ghiyosov N.I., Ashrapov B.P.


The article dwells on the issues concerned with the study of morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of weights of the Arabic broken plural forms in “Tarjumai Ta`rikhi Yamini”by Jurfodiqoni. It is noted that one of the important means of the category of plural forms of noun in the language of the work in question is the usage of broken Arabic plural weights, which Jurfodiqoni used very abundantly. It is worth mentioning that the weights of Arabic broken plural forms of nouns have certain models; their number being more than thirty, andthere are 376 words / 3013 instances nouns based on sixteen weights of the Arabic broken plural forms in the work. In conclusion, designing on the premise of the statistical methods, we ascertained that the level of usage of weights of Arabic broken plural forms in “Tarjumai Ta`rikhi Yamini”by Jurfodiqoni is precisely determined, and according to the level of their usage they are divided into the following subgroups, including: 1) frequently used - 1782 instances (59%); 2) used with medium frequency - 843 instances (28%) and 3) rarely used - 388 instances (13%).


noun, plural of nouns, category of plural form of noun, morphological peculiarities, level of usage, weights of Arabic broken plural, statistical method, historical work, “Tarjumai Ta`rikhi Yamini” (“Translation of Yamin`'s History”) by Jurfodiqoni


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Publication date

Saturday, 30 September 2023