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Solikhojaeva S. A.


The article reviews some features of periodization of foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the years of independence. Historiographic analysis of studies related to the periodization of foreign policy is particularly emphasized. It highlights the importance of periodization for understanding foreign policy trends. It reveals that domestic researchers pay special attention to the periodization of foreign policy of Tajikistan. Content analysis reveals different approaches to the periodization of foreign policy of the republic: most researchers consider the conditions for achieving state independence by Tajikistan, transformations in domestic policy, political processes of the transition period, important political events, as well as significant quantitative and qualitative changes in foreign policy as important criteria for scientific periodization. The paper supports that the periodization of the foreign policy of Tajikistan would have been incomplete if special attention had not been paid to the interests of other international actors in the development of relations with Tajikistan.


periodization, foreign policy, international organizations, quantitative and qualitative changes, political transformations


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Publication date

Saturday, 30 September 2023