The article reviews a wide range of Tajik-French cooperation issues of 2021-2022 period, based on information gleaned from books and primary sources, current archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tajik Embassy in Paris, official domestic and foreign electronic publications as well as other scientific and statistical materials. The official visit of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to France on October 13-14, 2021 as well as exchange of visits of other high-level delegations are highlighted and analyzed in detail. In conclusion, useful recommendations and ideas are given to use the potential of cooperation in various promising areas and formats: not to rest on laurels, but to make additional efforts and take more persistent and effective measures to further improve and strengthen cooperation in all areas.
Tajikistan, France, international relations, foreign policy, history, security, inter-parliamentary cooperation, economic and cultural diplomacy, agreements
1. Meeting between the Ministry of Foreign Affair of Tajikistan and Ministry of Europe and France [Electronic resource] // Official site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan. URL: vstrecha-ministra-inostrannykh-del-tadzhikistana-s-ministrom-evropy-i-inostrannykh-del-frantsii
2. Meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affair with Senators of France [Electronic resource] // Official site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan.. URL:
3. Meeting and Negotiations on a High Level with Tajikistan and [Electronic resource] // Official site of the President of Tajikistan Republic. URL:
4. Public Statement before the Negotiations with the President of France Emanual Makron [Electronic resource] // Official site of the President of Tajikistan Republic. URL:
5. Exchange of Congratulation Telegrams between the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and the President of France Emanual Makron [Electronic resource] // Official site of the President of Tajikistan Republic. URL:
6. Press-communication of the official site of the Elise Palace «Entretien avec Emomali Rahmon, President de la Republique du Tadjikistan» (Talking with Emomali Rahmon, the President of Tajikistan Republic) [Electronic resource] // URL:
7. Press-release of the Ministry of Europe and the foreign affairs of France «Consultations annuelles entre ministeres francais et tadjik des Affaires etrangeres (Paris-Douchanbe, 12 janvier 2021)» (Annual consultations between the Ministry of the Foreign affairs of France and Tajikistan (Paris-Dushanbe, January 12, 2021) [Electronic resource] // URL:
8. Press-release of the Ministry of Europe and the foreign affairs of France «Tadjikistan – Entretien de la ministre Catherine Colonna avec son homologue tadjik, Sirojiddin Muhriddin (8 decembre 2022)» (Tajikistan – a Conversation of the Minister Katrin Kalon with his Tajik colleague Sirojiddin Muhriddin ( December 8, 2022) [Electronic resource] // URL:
9. Telephone Conversation of President of France Emanual Makron [Electronic resource] // Official site of the President of Tajikistan Republic. URL:
10.The Text of Application in the Official site “Public Life of France” «Declaration de M. Emmanuel Macron, president de la Republique, sur les relations entre la France et la Republique du Tadjikistan, a Paris le 13 octobre 2021» ( Application of Emanual Makron, the President of the Country, about the Relations of France and Tajikistan, Paris, October 13, 2021) [Electronic resource] // URL:
11.Current Archive of the Council of Tajikistan in France. Annual report of 2021.
12.Current Archive of the Council of Tajikistan in France. File of Confirmed Agreement.
13.Current Archive of the Council of Tajikistan in France. From Introduction of the Agenda of the Visit of Senator in Tajikistan.
14.Sharifzoda A., Ayniddin S. Emomali Rahmon and 30 Years of Independence (Internal and Foreign Policy of the President of Tajikistan in 2021). – Dushanbe: Donish, 2023.- 304 pp.