Journal number - 4

Farzona`s Innovation in “Dubaity” Genre

Rahmatov Bahrom

Philological sciences

Kamoliddin Khorezmi as the Successor of Khakani Sharvani`s Creation

Keldiyorov Tadjiboy Sultonovich

Philological sciences

Nodir Shanbezoda as a Founder of Poetry in the Shugnan Language

Abdulnazarov Abdulnazar Abdulkodirovich

Philological sciences

Peculiarities of Mastership and Style of Sultan Valad`s Composition – “Intikha-Name” Masnavi

Sharifov Shodikul Khasanovich

Philological sciences

Enlightenment Significance of Ubayd Rajab`s Literary Productions for Children

Khuseynzаdа Farkhod

Philological sciences

The Role of Emotions in Communication and Elucidation of Reality

Kasimova Inobat

Philological sciences

Reflection of Oli Khujand Dignities in Khakani Sharvoni`s Creation

Khojiyev Abdufattoh Kasimovich

Philological sciences

Images and National Characters of Mirzo Tursun-zade`s Poem "Khasan-arbakesh"

Eshonova Mutribakhon Asadkhonovna

Philological sciences

Criteria of Assessment of Higher Professional Education Activity

Vashchenko Andrey Alexsandrovitch, Vashchenko Alexander Nikolayevitch

Economic sciences

Territorial Market: Isolation and Structural Changes

Baymatov Alidjohn Azizovich, Khodjiboyeva Mukaddas Abduganiyevna

Economic sciences

Development of Market Ralations in Industrial-Trading Centres of Late Feudal Period (Samarkand in XVI-th – the beginning of the XX-th cc.)

Tursunova Gulbahor Nazirdjohnovna

Economic sciences

Solution of Economy Goals under the Conditions of Rivalry, Conflict or Uncertainty

Mukhsinov Yodgor Mirzoyevich

Economic sciences
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