The article dwells on the family, industrial and public everyday life of the craftsmen-bakers of Khujand-city referring to the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries. The author gives information concerned with the family form and relationships in it, she studies various forms beset with industrial and social everyday life of craftsmen-bakers. The author touches on the question of the influence of the bakers` craft over their family and social life. In her article the author briefly characterizes the most famous festivals of the population of Khujand-city referring to the period of the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries. The article under consideration is written on the grounds of scientific works of the Tajik Soviet historians and field explorations as well.
Central Asia, Khujand-city, craftsmen-breadbakers, patriarchal family, festivals and rites, mutual aid, relatives
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