The article dwells on the role of verb stems in a formation of complex words of DVANDVA type on the basis of the materials of Mirzo Abdulkodir Bedil`s poetry (the XVII-th – the XVIII-th cc.). It is asserted that verb stems take active part in formation of complex words and they can create new words by means of interfixes or without any world-building means. It is proved that the majority of world-building models occurring in Bedil`s poetry are present in the Tajik language, however, such ones as “Past Tense stem+infinitive”, “Participle+Adjective” are observed rather rarely; the fact pointing to participation of non-conjugable verbs in word-building. It is underscored especially that not only new models of world-building of DVANDVA type are occurred in poetry, but a formation of synonyms of the same composite by means of substitution of components either.
Mirzo Abdulkodir Bedil`s creation, world-building models, complex words, dvandva, interfix, world-building means, verb
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