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Review of Suleymani`s Work “Arabic-Tajik Dictionary”


Ghiyasov Nurullo Ismatovich


The review dwells on Professor S.Suleymani`s bilingual dictionary where the author of the article analyzes lexicographical peculiarities of the dictionary in question. The author of the review deems that having compiled this dictionary being the only one by its volume and content at the present stage of Tajik lexicography S. Suleymani revived the mediaeval traditions of composing bilingual dictionaries in the Persian-Tajik lexicography and made it nearer to commonly accepted norms and principles of world lexicography at the same time. Taking this fact and also Professor S.Suleymani`s immense labour into consideration the reviewer calls him “a regenerator of Tajik lexicography traditions”. A lot of concrete examples and facts are adduced in the review disclosing the novelty and significance of the Arabic-Tajik dictionary compiled by S.Suleymani.


lexicography, bilingual dictionaries, Professor S. Suleymani, Arabic-Tajik dictionary, traditions of Tajik-Persian lexicography


1.    Belkin V.M. Arabic Lexicology. – M.: Moscow State University, 1975. -200 с.

2.    Vinogradov V.V. Selected Works. Lexicology and Lexicography. – M.: Science, 1977. – 312 р.

3.    Ghiyasov N.I., Okilova M.A. From the History of the Compilation of two Bilingual Dictionaries, those of Tajik-Russian and Russian-Tajik Ones // Bulletin of TSU LBP. – 2013, #4 (56). – pp. 226 – 232.

4.    Ghiyasov N.I. Thirty Articles. – Khujand: Light of Enlightenment, 2014.- 300 р.

5.    Sulaymani S. Arabic-Tajik Dictionary. The 2-nd edition, revised and enlarged. – Dushanbe: Er-Graph, 2016. – 1563 р.

6.    Russian-Tajik Dictionary. Under the editorship of correspondent-member of the USSR AS M.A. Asimov. – M.: Russian Language, 1985. -1280 р.

7. Shcherba L.V. Language System and Speech Activity. – Leningrad: Science, 1974.-428 р

Publication date

Thursday, 22 February 2018