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Yusupova M.D.


The article dwells on synonymization of verbs in the creation of the well-known modern Tajik writer Bahmanyar. It is underscored that structural correlation of synonymization of verbs in Bahmanyor`s creation is distinguished with irregularity, i.e., if one side of a synonym is a simple word another one may be a derivative or a compound verb. Synonymization of verbs may take place either in one sentence or in sentences following one another, or in those ones being far from each other. It is emphasized that one of the peculiarities concerning a use of verbs in Bahmanyor`s works is an expression of one sense by several verbs pertaining to different structures. Different principles of synonymization of verbs occur in the writer`s works: simple verbs with simple ones, simple verbs with compound ones, derivative verbs with compound ones, compound verbs with compound ones.

Synonymization of simple verbs with simple ones is occurred more rarely than with derivative and compound ones. The greater part in the writer`s works falls upon the synonymization of simple verbs with compound ones.


synonyms, synonymization of verbs, simple verbs, derivative verbs, compound verbs, Bahmanyor`s literary productions


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Publication date

Friday, 16 April 2021