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Tojiboev Sh.G., Ashurova M.M.


The article is a review of manuscripts to one of Khodju Kirmani`s poems “Humay and Humayun” included into his “Pentateuch”. It is underscored that according to the existing catalogues of Oriental manuscripts twenty of the latters and four lithographic editions of the poem by Khodju Kirmani are kept in world libraries; the poem in question being very popular with the reading audience. Forty copies of the poem are presented and described; materials of catalogues and collections of Oriental manuscripts being involved. It is marked that the majority of copies are performed by hand being of high textological value. It is mentioned that some copies are presented in the article for the first time; merits and drawbacks of some of them are properly assessed.


Khodju Kirmani, “Humay and Humayun”, manuscript copies, lithographic edition, textology 


1.        Diroyati, Mustafo. The Catalogue of Manuscripts of Iran. (In twelve volumes). The first edition. – Tehran: Museum and Islamic Council Centre. 1389 hijra. – p. 1190. – V.10.


2.        Kirmoni, Khodju. Divan. Editorship and preface by Ahmad Suhaili Khonsori (the second edition) // Khodju Kirmoni. – Tehran: Marv, 1369 hijra. – 932 pp.


3.        Kirmoni, Khodju. Humoy and Humoyun. Under the editorship of Kamol Aini // Khodju Kirmoni. – Tehran: Publishing-House of the Cultural Centre of Iran. 1347 hijra. – 255 pp.


4.        Kirmoni, Khodju. Khamsa. Under the editorship of Said Niyozi Kirmoni // Khodju Kirmoni. – Kirmon, 1370 hijra.


5.        Kirmoni, Khodju. Humoy and Humoyun. Manuscript Kept in “Bovariya” State Library. – Sheroz, 1428 hijra. – 256 pp.


6.        Mirzoyev A.M., Bertels Ye.E. The Catalogue of Oriental Manuscript Kept in Tajikistan Academy of Sciences. V.5. – Dushanbe, 1974.


7.        Munzavi, Ahmad. The Catalogue of Persian Books in 10 Volumes. – Tehran: The Centre of the Great Islamic Encyclopedia. 1382 hijra. – 793 pp.


8.        Munzavi, Ahmad. The Catalogue of Gandgebah Manuscript in the Quantum of 18. – Lahor: The Center of Iranian-Pakistani Persian Researches, 1980. – 1924 pp.


9.        Persian and Tajik Manuscripts of “The New Series” Kept in the State Public Library named after M.Ye. Saltykov-Thchedrin. – Shchdrin: Alphabet catalogue compiler: G.I. Kostygova. – Leningrad, 1973. – 349 pp.


10.    Persian and Tajik Manuscripts Kept in the Institute of Asia People under the USSR SA (brief alphabetic catalogue). Under the editorship of N.D. Mikluho-Maklay, P.1. – M., 1964, - 4630pp.


11.    Rodfar A. Bibliography of Khodju Kirmoni // Abulkosim Radfar // The World of Culture. – 1370 hijra, #77. – pp. 48 – 53.


12.    Collection of Oriental Manuscripts of the Uzbek SSR AS. V.2. under the editorship of A.A. Semyonov. – Tashkent, 1954. – 549 pp.


13.    Sherozi ibni Yusuf. The Catalogue of the National Council Library. – Tehran, 1353 hijra. V.3. – p. 164.


14.    Rieu, Charlies. Supplement of the Сatalogue of Рersian Manuscripts in the British Museum / Rieu, Charlies. - London, 1895. – 308 p.


15.    http://www.kmt.tj/nushakhoi-hatti-va-akhamiyati-tarihii-onkho.: Date of request: 13.11.20


16.    https://scripts.nlai.ir. - Date of request: 10.12.20

17. http://www.aghabozorg.ir. - Date of request: 10: 14.12.20

18.  https://jsr.usb.ac.ir.- Date of request: 10: 22.12.20

19. http://www. harvardartmuseums.org/art/98324

Publication date

Friday, 16 April 2021