Greenway’s list, scientifico-critical edition, Mukhammadali Furughi, Gulomhusayn Yusufi
In order to elicit the ancientest list and mostly authentic editions the author of the article analyzes numerous manuscripts and over scores of editions of “Kulliyat” and “Buston” by Saadi Shirazi; the editions of Mukhammadali Furughi, Mansur Rastigor, Gulomhusayn Yusufi, Bahouddin Hurramshokhi, Ismail Amirhezi, Khatib Rahbar, Abbos Ikbal Oshtiyoni being inclusive. The conclusion is made that lord Greenway’s list is more authentic than Lukmon Adham’s manuscripts, those ones of “India-office” English library, the ones belonging to Abdulloh ibn Mukhammad ibn Abubakr, Mukhammad Abdulatif Akokiri and others. It is underscored that the list singled out has served as a basis for the editions belonging to Mukhammadali Furughi and Gulomhusayn Yusufi; therefore, when preparing a scientific-critical text on “Buston” one ought to use the mentioned editions on a par with the ancientest manuscripts.
Key-words: Saadi Shirazi, “Buston”, lists of manuscripts, the ancientest manuscripts, lord
1. Amirhezi, Ismoil. Saadinoma az Buston. – Tehran: Bliss, 1317 hijra. – 205 pp.
2. Buston// Bahouddini Hurramshokhi. Translation of the English text by Dj. M. Vikns, Toronto University Master (Canada). Tehran: Tirmament. 1364 hijra. – 443 pp.
3. Masse, Henry. Analysis of Saadi`s poetry and translation by Mukhammad Hasanmahdun Ardabili and Gulomhusayn Yusufi. – Tehran: Birch. 1369 hijra. – 448 pp.
4. Rastagor, Mansur. // Merlon World by Saadi and Hofiz Sheroz. Printing-House of Pakhlavi University. 1357 hijra. – 453 pp.
5. Saadi. Buston// Selected Poetry Production. Compilation by Khatib Rahbar. 1383 hijra. – 112 pp.
6. Saadi. Compositions// Corrections by Mukhammadali Furughi. – Tehran: Baruhim printing-house. – 1289 pp.
7. Sherozi, Saadi. Compositions// Preface: Abbos Ikbol Oshtiyoni, Mukhammad Djafari Mansur, Asadullokh Husaynzoda. Education. 1317 hijra. – 1028 pp.
8. Sherozi, Saadi. Collection of Compositions. Buston// Corrections by Mukhammadali Furughi designed on the premise of the authentic copy. The second edition. – Tehran: Khukhus. 1366 hijra. – 532 pp.
9. Sherozi, Saadi. Buston// Commentaries and Corrections by Gulomhusayn Yusufi. – Tehran: Native of Khorezm. 1372 hijra. – 620 pp.
https://www.ibna.iz (availability date: 07.01.2021)