The article dwells on the study beset with the influence of oral folk creation on the works of Gulrukhsor`s literary production on the example of the analysis of folklore beginnings in the novel entitled as “Women of Sabzbahor”. It contains a variety of folklore elements and genres, such as dreams and their interpretations, folk beliefs, proverbs and sayings, laments and lamentations and their role in creation of images and characters.It is noted that the relevant novel provides a collection of various human destinies, national characters, variety of customs and traditions, folk ceremonies and rituals, unique examples of proverbs and sayings, songs and poems, prayers and spells, turns of speech and phraseological units, morality and philosophical wisdom.The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the most remarkable peculiarity of the novel in question is its rich folk creation language expressing folk culture and its unique folklore.
Key words: Gulrukhsor, novel, “Women of Sabzbahor”, oral folk creation, spiritual culture, proverbs and sayings
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