The article deals with link-verbs and their semantic properties in the English and Tajik languages. It also throws light on the idea that link verbs connect the subject with the predicative, since they perform a grammatical function in the sentence. The article speaks about a special type of link-verbs as well. Those link-verbs perform two functions; connect the subject and the predicative, and express some modal meanings i.e. they express the attribute of the subject and indicate that this attribute expresses an apparent or intended action. The verbs "to seem" and "namudan/намудан" in the compared languages, by their semantics, express the meaning of the speaker's subjective attitude to the expressed fact, as well as correspond to the listener, and at the same time connect the predicative with the subject of the sentence. The modal meaning of some link-verbs of the English language is transmitted into the Tajik language by means of introductory words and prepositional constructions, and their “link-verb” function is expressed by the Tajik verb "budan/будан". Thus, the number of link-verbs in the English language is greater than in the Tajik language, which is associated with the historical development of the compared languages.
Key words: verb, notional verbs, auxiliary verbs, link-verb, pure link-verbs, functional link-verbs, modal link-verbs, aspectual tense forms of the verb, predicative, predicative part, participle, infinitive, participle of precedence
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