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Homidova Mavludakhon Mansurovna


«Nafahot-al-uns min hazarat-il-quds» by Abdurahman Jami is based on a reliable mystic source written in Tajik, as «Kashf-ul-mahjud» by Abulhasan Hujviri, «Taboqat-ul-uns» by Khoja Abdullah Ansori and «Tazkirat-ul-avliyo» by Shaikh Attori Nishopuri. The author examines the similarities and differencies of the above works in terms of structure, number of sufi biographies, brevity and details of presentation Jomi's utilisation of the gnosiological material of the previous authors, as well as the reasons and necessity for creating «Nafahat-ul-uns». The general picture of the intellectual and practical connection between the authors of the famous sufi book is clarified in the article.


Key words: Abdurrahmon Djami, Abulhasan Khudjviri, Khaja Abdullah Ansari, Attar Nishopuri, cognition, chronicle, style, structure


1.         Ansori, Khoja Abdullokh. Tabakot-us-sufiya [Text]: text preparation, preface and indicators by M.Ochilova and M. Okilova. Under the editorship of Dr. of Philology, Professor U. Gafforova. – Khujand: Publisher. 2014.-436pp.

2.         Nishopuri, Fariddudini  Attor «Tazkizatu-l-avliyou» [Text]. Transposition, text preparation, preface and appendices: M. Okilova // Under the editorship of academician of Tajikistan Republic AS, Dr. of Philology N. Salimov. Khujand: Publisher, 2008.-662pp.

3.         Okilova M. «Tazkirat-ul-avliyo» by Sheikh Attor and its Literary -Mystical Importance // Under the editorship of academician of TR Academy of Sciences Dr. of Philology N. Solimov. -Khujand: Contemplations. 2012.-184pp.

4.         Ochilova M « Tabokat-us-sufiya by Khodja Abdulloh Ansori and its Literary importance [Text].  Khujand Acsension. 2015.-196 pp.

5.         Djami A. « Nafahat-ul-uns min khazarot-il-kuds» [Text] preface by /Iran/ ambassador in Tajikistan Dr.Aliasgar Sherdust //Under the editorship of academician N. Salimov. Text preparation, introduction and indicators by M. Okilova and B. Mirsaidov. – Dushanbe: The Institute of Studies of Persian and Tajik Cultures, /Iranian/ Embassy in Tajikistan. 2013.-876pp.

Khujviri Ali ibn Usmon. «Kashfy-l-makhdjub» [Text]: Preface, recension and appendices by Mahmud Obid. – Tehran: Herald. 1383 hijra.-1154pp.

Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2023